Mateja Kramar
Swiss Red Teaming Manager & Customer Success Manager at ETH AI Center
Mateja is a serial entrepreneur, implemeting innovative ideas and solutions into reality.
She has 20 years of experience in high-performance leadership, working with interdiscplinary teams to build bridges between research, industry and startups.
After founding her first company with the age of 17, she built up another 11 innovation driven companies, in 8 different industries.
In 2018 she joined ETH Zurich to kick-off different innovation driven projects over multiple ETH Departments. Later she was invited to join Microsoft, and then Accenture, to both as an SME for Sustainability & Tech.
Currently she is working at ETH AI Center as the Swiss AI Risk Exploration & Response Network Manager and as the Customer Success Manager.
Mateja holds a Masters degree in Marketing and Management form the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is living in Switzerland since 2009.