>>venture>> jurors play a fundamental role in the competition, and through their choices and evaluations, help shape the Swiss startup scene.
Here is a look at the process, what we are looking for in a juror, and what to expect as a jury member.
Jury round 2
Members of this jury must be approved by the >>venture>> Steering Committee.
Who can become a juror?
Jurors must have a solid understanding of business planning, a feeling for innovative concepts and be familiar with the startup scene. Typically, >>venture>> jurors possess a combination of the following experience and knowledge:
What you get
Juror responsibilities
We are asking for your industry expertise to:
read through an average of 4 - 6 submissions online, on our secure Awards Platform
grade the submissions and give written feedback following the criteria we provide. We will send you detailed instructions a couple of weeks prior to the judging period.
Time: it takes approx. 1 - 1.5 hours to evaluate each plan.
Availability: between March 15 - March 29, 2023
Pro Bono activity
How to apply
If you are interested in joining as a juror for round 1, and you are available in the period listed above, please fill out the form below.
How is >>venture>> funded?>>venture>> is funded through the >>venture>> foundation by the organizers and sponsoring companies represented on the Advisory Board. Learn more about >>venture>> in our ABOUT page.
How are the finalists selected?Our team of carefully selected round 1 jurors, composed of industry and startup experts, reviews your submission and grades it according to a scale. Projects with the highest overall grades go through the second jury round.
Is the data I submit to >>venture>> confidential?We take confidentiality very seriously at >>venture>>. All jurors, Advisory Board members and mentors sign a confidentiality agreement.
Will I receive a mentor or coach if I participate?Only the finalists – that is, the participants selected as having one of the top ten projects within their respective vertical – will be granted access to our network of mentors. Finalists are then free to contact the mentors of their choosing for an introductory meeting. If both parties agree, they can individually decide on the terms that will govern their work together.
Do participants receive feedback on their submissions?Yes, you will receive detailed feedback at all stages except the final round with the Advisory Board.
Does the whole team have to be present at the pitch session?We recommend that the entire team attends. However, you can choose to have your team represented by one person only.
Is participation in the kickoff workshop mandatory?No, but it is highly recommended, as you will have the opportunity to meet with investors, industry experts and the >>venture>> team.
Useful Resources: - Tutorial video
who else is in the jury
what kind of visibility do I get?
how can I get in touch with startups directly
how can I become a mentor?
is the evaluation anonymous?
what is the minimum number of plans I need to evaluate?
Do I get paid?
How much time does it take? How much time per startup plan?
Do I evaluate solely on the submission or should I get in touch with the startup?
Can I meet other jurors?
How much feedback should I give?